Dairy products are considered very important in the daily diet of individuals in India and considering their widespread consumption, it becomes essential for the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India to establish regulations for these products’ safety and regulation. FSSAI registration or FSSAI licence is considered important for the functioning of these dairy units and for sale of dairy products. In this blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the FSSAI process for dairy products.

Understanding the Definition of Dairy Products

Dairy products include a range of milk-based items, including paneer, ghee, cheese, curd, and butter. Notably, ghee holds the position of being the most widely consumed milk product in India. India witnesses an annual growth rate of 6-7 million tonnes in milk production. Recognising the significance of dairy products, they are classified as essential food products under the Essential Food Act, 1955. Consequently, the government establishes the Maximum Retail Price for these products. Given the daily consumption of dairy products, ensuring their purity becomes crucial.

Why is FSSAI Certification Important for Dairy Products?

Mentioned here are the reasons why FSSAI licence for dairy products is important:

  • Building Reputation in the Market

Obtaining an FSSAI certification for dairy products bestows upon your brand a reputation for reliability and quality in the market.

  • Consumer Trust and Product Sales

The certification establishes trust among consumers, encouraging them to choose your products for their health, thus positively impacting sales.

  • Facilitating Business Expansion

FSSAI certification simplifies and facilitates the expansion of your dairy business, opening up new opportunities for growth.

  • Attracting Investors and Facilitating Loans

The certification serves as a magnet for investors, making it easier to attract financial support. Additionally, the process of obtaining loans becomes more streamlined with FSSAI certification.

  • Simplifying Legal Processes

Having an FSSAI certification makes legal processes smoother and more effective for your dairy business, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Detailed FSSAI Process for Dairy Products

The steps for FSSAI process for Dairy Products are as mentioned here:

  1. Determine the Appropriate Certification Type:

Depending on your annual turnover, select the appropriate FSSAI certification type:

  • Basic Registration: For FBOs with an annual turnover below Rs. 12 lakhs.
  • State Licence: For FBOs with an annual turnover between Rs. 12 lakhs to Rs. 20 crores.
  • Central Licence: For FBOs with an annual turnover exceeding Rs. 20 crores.
  1. Choose the Business Type:

Select the relevant business type from the provided list, such as 'dairy units' for those involved in the manufacturing or production of milk products.

  1. Sign Up on the FSSAI Portal:

Visit the FoSCoS FSSAI portal, create an account, and provide the necessary details.

  1. Complete the FSSAI Application Form:

Two forms are available on the site – Form A for registration and Form B for a licence.

Fill out the form with all the required details and then select the applicable food code for the dairy product you are applying for.

  1. Submit Documentation:

Upload essential documents during the submission process, including ID proof, business address proof, FSMS declaration, and other relevant documents.

  1. Make Application Payment:

The annual charges vary:

  • Basic Registration: Rs. 100 per annum
  • State Licence: Rs. 2000 per annum
  • Central Licence: Rs. 7500 per annum

Pay the specified fee for the chosen certification type.

Following these steps for FSSAI process for dairy products ensures a systematic and successful application for FSSAI licence for your dairy products.

Processing Time for FSSAI Process for Dairy Products

After the thorough verification and validation of all submitted documents, the processing times for FSSAI process for dairy products are as follows:

  1. Basic Registration:

Time Frame: 7-10 days

  1. State Licence and Central Licence:

Time Frame: Approximately 30 days

It's important to note that these time frames are approximate and may vary based on many factors like accuracy of the provided information, and the workload of the FSSAI authorities during the application period.

FSSAI Certificate Renewal Process

After the FSSAI process for dairy products, let us see how the licence is renewed. Ensuring the continued validity of your FSSAI certification is key, and the renewal process involves the following key points:

  1. Annual Renewal Requirement:

Renewal is mandatory on an annual basis.

  1. Timely Application for Renewal:

It is advised to apply for renewal at least 30 days before the expiration of the existing licence.

  1. Penalties for Late Renewal:

If renewal is delayed, a fine of Rs. 100 per day may be imposed until the renewal is completed.

  1. Risk of Deactivation:

Failure to renew within the stipulated time can result in the deactivation of your FSSAI licence.

Ensuring timely renewal is not only a legal obligation but also crucial for maintaining the credibility and legality of your business operations in the food sector.

Final Thoughts

By following the FSSAI process for dairy products and obtaining the FSSAI certification, entrepreneurs can ensure the safety and quality of food consumed by the public in India. The process involves selecting the appropriate certification type based on annual turnover, choosing the business category, and completing the application on the FSSAI portal. After document verification, the processing time for the process varies, taking approximately 7-10 days for basic registration and around 30 days for state and central licences. Regular renewal, a mandatory annual requirement, is crucial to avoid fines and potential deactivation of the licence. Compliance with FSSAI regulations not only establishes trust with consumers but also opens doors to business expansion and financial support.

Author Bio

Name: Admin
Qualification: MCA
Company: Law Chatter
Location: Noida
Member Since: 09-08-2022
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