Previously there was no generalized way for the regulations of examination of trademark application in India, but since September 2021, a trademark renewal application is examined in India. When you apply for the renewal of a trademark in India, the Trademark Registry reviews the application to ensure it meets the necessary requirements and complies with the applicable laws and regulations.

During the examination process, the Trademark Registry checks for various factors, which is being mentioned below:

  • Timely Filing: The renewal application must be filed before the expiration of the current trademark In India, the initial registration is valid for ten years, and you can apply for renewal within six months before the expiration date or within six months after the expiry with a late fee.
  • Payment of Fees: The appropriate renewal fees must be paid along with the If the fees are not paid or are insufficient, the renewal may not be granted.
  • Status of the Trademark: The Registrar checks whether the trademark is still in use and has not been removed from the register due to non-use or other
  • Compliance with Requirements: The application must meet all the requirements set forth by the Indian Trademarks Act and related Rules.

If the trademark renewal application passes the examination successfully, the trademark registration will be renewed for an additional period of ten years from the date of expiration of the current registration.

It's important to note that trademark laws and processes may be subject to changes, so I recommend checking the latest information on the official website of the Indian Trademark Registry or consulting with a legal professional for the most up-to-date guidance.

Trademark renewal is also a crucial process that allows the owner of a registered trademark to maintain its protection and exclusive rights. A trademark is a valuable intellectual property asset that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one entity from those of others. Trademark registration typically has a limited validity period, and renewal is necessary to keep the trademark protection active. Here are some essential points to know about trademark renewal:

  • Validity Period: In most countries, including India, a registered trademark is initially valid for a specific period, usually ten years from the date of After the initial term, the trademark can be renewed periodically to maintain its protection.
  • Renewal Period: The renewal period is usually six months before the expiry date of the trademark Some jurisdictions also provide a grace period of a few months after the expiry, during which the trademark owner can renew the registration with a late fee.
  • Application Process: To renew a trademark, the owner must file a renewal application with the relevant trademark office. The renewal application should be made in the prescribed form and accompanied by the appropriate renewal
  • Examination: In some countries, including India, the trademark renewal application is examined by the Trademark Registry to ensure compliance with the necessary requirements and
  • Fee Structure: The renewal fees depend on the jurisdiction and the type of trademark (wordmark, logo, or combination mark). The fees may vary depending on whether the renewal application is filed within the regular renewal period or during the grace period.
  • Continuous Use: Trademark renewal is often contingent upon the continuous use of the mark in commerce. The trademark must be actively used in connection with the goods or services it represents; otherwise, it may be vulnerable to cancellation for non-use.
  • Publication: In some jurisdictions, the renewal of a trademark is published in an official gazette or trademark journal after the acceptance of the renewal This publication allows third parties to be aware of the renewal and raise objections, if any.
  • Consequences of Non-Renewal: If a trademark owner fails to renew the registration within the specified period, the trademark protection will expire. In such cases, the owner may lose the exclusive rights to use the mark, and it may become vulnerable to infringement by others.

It's essential for trademark owners to keep track of the renewal deadlines and initiate the renewal process in a timely manner to avoid any lapses in protection. Additionally, it's advisable to seek legal counsel or consult with a trademark professional to ensure proper compliance with the renewal requirements in each jurisdiction where the trademark is registered. Trademark owners in India should be aware of the renewal deadlines and initiate the renewal process in a timely manner to maintain the protection and exclusive rights of their trademarks. It's advisable to seek legal guidance or consult with a trademark professional to ensure proper compliance with the renewal requirements.

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Name: Admin
Qualification: MCA
Company: Law Chatter
Location: Noida
Member Since: 09-08-2022
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