Copyright is one kind of intellectual property protection. It gives the owner of original works the only right to use them. Generally, Copyright Act of 1957 governs all the copyright issues, such as which kinds of expression into which particular fields of works enjoy copyright protection, the rights conferred on that copyright, and all exceptions and limitations to those rights. Therefore. Let us know what type of works protected by copyright in India.

What is a Copyright?

  • The term copyright is not specifically defined in the Copyright Act of 1957.
  • Copyright often is represented as an exclusive "right to copy" the author or inventor of the particular work.
  • With the specification of Copyright Act 1957, it behoves upon to state that copyright infringement, more often than not, takes place if unauthorised parties, in other words, other than the creator copy the original work of the author. Protecting the rights of an author, in some measures, is what really the Copyright Act 1957 incorporates during the protection of works. 

Examples of Copyrighted Works

  • Stories, books, novels, computer programs, and many more are examples of literary works.
  • Musical work includes choruses, music, etc.
  • Creative works include paintings, photos, sketches, cartoons (such as Mickey Mouse and Tom and Jerry), etc.
  • Dramatic works include operas, scripts, dance moves, etc.
  • Cinematograph films, which include movies and video films.
  • Sound recordings include any sound recording, including music recorded by sound recorders, etc.

What Type of Works Protected By Copyright in India?

Literary Works:

  • The term "literary works" refers to any original or distinctive work of literature, including computer programs, databases, technical publications or papers, novels, dramas, biographies, theses, scripts, research projects, compilations, and tables. It can be asserted regardless of the work's literary worth, style, or quality.

Dramatic Works:

  • Another kind of literary work is the dramatic work. The term "dramatic works" refers to any performing arrangement based on a set piece of literature, a play, a role for recitation, choreography, or entertainment from a dumb show. However, there are no cinematograph films of any kind among the dramatic works.

Music-Related Works:

  • A unique piece that is protected by copyright is called a musical work. The musical works don't have any sounds or lyrics. Even if the works are related to sound recordings, such musical works require registration separate from that of a sound recording by way of an application for registration at the Copyright Office. The creator of a sound recording does not have to seek permission from the creator of the musical work. Copyright protection does not require the musical work to be converted to writing.

Artistic Works:

  • The provisions related to artistic works within copyright in India are found in Section 2 of the Copyright Act of 1957. Copyright protection under Section 2 of the Copyright Act, 1957, extends to a unique artistic work incorporating sculptures, paintings, cartoons, graphics, lithographs, etchings, drawings, plans, photographs, diagrams, building models, charts, maps, molds, and casts for sculptures.

Cinematograph Works:

  • A cinematograph film consists of both sound and visual records made using any kind of analog or digital method, including video films. It encompasses visual recording on any medium as well as any method of storing it. Any recorded work that contains moving images or visuals shall be regarded as a cinematograph in accordance with the definition of cinematograph films.

Sound Recordings:

  • Any sound recording, regardless of the storage medium, is considered a sound recording. Examples of sound recording include podcasts, recorded speeches or sounds, and songs that use a singer's voice, either with or without music. For the sound recording to be protected by copyright, the creator of the musical piece must provide permission if the sound recording also includes music.

Exclusive Rights on Types of Works Protected by Copyright in India

Literary Works:

  • To reproduce the work; 
  • To provide the wider public with copies of the work;
  • To perform the work in public; 
  • To communicate the work to the broader audience;
  • To produce a cinematograph video or sound recording related to the work; 
  • To translate the work; 
  • To create specific adaptations of the work.

Dramatic Works:

  • To reproduce the work; 
  • To distribute copies of the work to the general public;
  • To convey the piece to a larger audience;
  • To involve the work in any cinematograph film; 
  • To translate the work in any way;
  • To modify the work in any way.

Music-Related Works:

  • For the purposes of reproducing the work, 
  • Distributing copies to the general public, 
  • Performing the work in public, 
  • Educating the public about it, 
  • Creating a sound recording or cinematograph film about it, 
  • Translating the work, or 
  • Adapting it.

Artistic Works:

  • To reproduce the work, 
  • Distribute copies to the general public, 
  • Disseminate the work to the general public, or 
  • Incorporate the work into any cinematograph film;
  • To modify the work in any way.

Cinematograph Works:

  • For educating the public about the cinematograph film;
  • For the purpose of offering a copy of the movie for sale or rental;
  • For creating a replica of the movie that include a picture of any image that is a part of it.

Sound Recordings:

  • For creating any additional sound recording that represents it; 
  • For offering copies of the sound recordings for sale or rental; 
  • To make the sound recordings available to the public.


The aforementioned categories of works that are protected by copyright in India are broad. In the context of the nature of creative work, copyright law is written in such a way that nearly all varieties of creative works are covered. The range is broad under copyright that it may be hard to imagine any variety of works that cannot be covered under copyright.

The works that are protected by copyright gives authors and innovators peace of mind about how their creations are used and how productive they are. You need to get in touch with some knowledgeable and skilled experts if you have any doubts about what category your work might fit under or are having issues submitting a copyright application.

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Name: Admin
Qualification: MCA
Company: Law Chatter
Location: Noida
Member Since: 09-08-2022
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