The suspension and revocation of liquor licence in India are not permanent in nature. Once a liquor licence is revoked, it is possible to obtain the licence again. In some cases, licence can be restored within a few weeks. Understanding the reasons for licence revocation helps businesses avoid risks that could lead to revocation. It is important to note that the process of reinstating a liquor licence can help resolve issues and regain a significant source of income.

Why is a Licence for Alcohol Required?

Alcohol consumption is a common occurrence not just in the higher classes of society, but also in the middle classes. They are easily accessible, and laws are poorly enforced, which can cause them. A check-in method is necessary to ostensibly mitigate the improper sale of licences.

Manufacturing, distributing, or selling alcoholic beverages without a state licence from the state's Excise Department is prohibited.

The nation must be kept in good health and in a state of peace and order. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the sale of alcohol, and as a result, a licence is required.

What is licence Revocation?

Governments have a vested interest in regulating alcohol consumption due to the potentially fatal consequences of irresponsible use. While the majority of people use alcohol responsibly, enjoying it as a social tool and a means to relax, there are those who misuse it. Regulations aim to prevent harmful outcomes such as drunk driving and other alcohol-related violations. To support these efforts, governments establish rules for the sale and purchase of alcohol, including criteria to prevent the cancellation of a liquor licence.

Alcohol sales are regulated by state laws across the country, ensuring that individuals' right to enjoy themselves in public does not endanger the safety of others. Therefore, one way the government enforces alcohol laws is by issuing licence that grant permission for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Revocation of liquor licence is an option for establishments such as restaurants, bars, and other venues that serve alcohol when they violate the law.

Causes of Suspension and Revocation of Liquor licence

When establishments such as bars, restaurants, and other venues violate liquor sales regulations, they risk losing their licence. The following are some common reasons for liquor licence revocation:

Excessive serving

Most states have regulations prohibiting the service of visibly intoxicated individuals. If an establishment's staff serves alcohol to a drunk customer who causes an accident, not only could the licence be revoked, but the establishment may also face potential lawsuits from injured third parties. It is crucial for staff to know when to refuse service, as responsible alcohol service is an integral part of hospitality.

Disorderly behaviour

Incidents such as fights, public nudity, and other disturbances often occur at bars and similar establishments, which can quickly lead to the suspension of a liquor licence. Bar and restaurant owners have a responsibility to maintain law and order by establishing and strictly enforcing codes of conduct.

Serving minors

The legal drinking age is determined by state laws and law enforcement agencies. Serving alcohol to underage individuals is strictly prohibited and heavily enforced. If an establishment is found serving minors, their licence will be promptly revoked. In cases where bartenders or servers intentionally provide alcohol to minors, they may also face criminal charges.

Unfortunately, some young people try to circumvent the legal drinking age by misrepresenting their age or using fake identification. It is crucial for the establishment's employees to be well-trained in the legal drinking age and the importance of upholding it. Checking the identification of any customers who appear underage is essential.

Undertrained personnel

All employees of an establishment are required to undergo training to comply with relevant federal, state, and local regulations. In many cities, bartenders and other staff serving alcohol must adhere to specific rules and possess appropriate certifications. Failing to comply with these regulations could result in the loss of the liquor licence if the staff is found serving without the required certifications.

How to Regain a Liquor licence?

In the case of liquor licence being suspended or revoked, following recourse could be taken:

Address the causes of revocation:

In order to reinstate a revoked liquor licence, it is essential to resolve the issue that led to the revocation. For instance, if disorderly behaviour was the reason, take measures to prevent disruptive customers and provide your staff with better crisis management skills. If overserving customers or serving minors was the problem, correct the behaviour or consider terminating the employment of problematic staff members. It is crucial to ensure that your staff is fully aware of local laws and regulations, including any time restrictions on sales. Compliance with the law is a prerequisite for obtaining a licence.

Settle outstanding fines:

Paying any fines and penalties is necessary to lift the revocation. Failure to pay the fines will prevent the return of your licence. To pave the way for a new licence, make sure to promptly and fully settle all outstanding financial obligations.

Apply for a new liquor licence:

If revocation has occurred, you have the option to apply for a new licence. However, it is important to follow all necessary procedures and requirements to obtain the new licence successfully.

Gather evidence:

Collect copies of relevant documents, such as police reports, to understand the circumstances leading to the revocation. If your establishment has video surveillance, review the footage of the incidents that resulted in the liquor licence revocation. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case can be if you decide to appeal. Gathering paperwork can also help identify any underlying business issues that need to be addressed.

File an appeal:

If you believe that your licence revocation was unjust, you have the right to file an appeal. Contact the State Excise Department and follow the necessary procedures for filing an appeal. Presenting a compelling case and providing supporting evidence can improve your chances of regaining your liquor licence.


By adhering to laws and regulations, implementing responsible alcohol service practices, and maintaining a safe and orderly environment, businesses can mitigate the risks of licence suspension or revocation.

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Name: Admin
Qualification: MCA
Company: Law Chatter
Location: Noida
Member Since: 09-08-2022
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