NGOs are legally established organizations that are founded by individuals, or groups. Non-Governmental Organizations are independent entities that do not fall under control of any government. There are different types of NGOs which are mentioned below in this article.

What Is an NGO?

NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) refer to those organizations who take the stand to provide assistance and support to those who have less money, and fewer rights and needy ones. NGOs are known as non-profit organizations.These organizations are involved in those activities that are not-for-profit and completely focused on social works. NGOs mainly handle human rights, social issues, minority rights, health emergencies, supporting the poor, education, environmental concerns and many more. NGOs typically funded by donations, grants, or other forms of fundraising.

How does an NGOs Work?

NGOs work under many laws and regulations at national, state and local level. NGO policies basically depend on the purpose of their structure.

NGOs follow rules, and regulations according to their organization. FCRA regulates NGOs, which are allowed to receive and use foreign funding. Any NGOs that receive foreign funding must register with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Depending on their legal structure, NGOs in India are also registered under either the Indian Trusts Act of 1882 or the Societies Registration Act of 1860. NGOs also provide tax exemptions. NGOs contribute their efforts to improve and give empowerment to our society. They use public contributions and donations to create or generate their funds. All NGOs are working with the help of their volunteers.

Different Types of NGOs in India

Types of NGOs in India and their contributions to society will be discussed in this section. Every organization focuses on different areas and issues. NGOs types can be defined by their operation & goals-

  • Charitable NGOs

A charitable NGOs or charity is an organization whose main focus is helping the poor and those in need, especially by giving money and social well-being.For example: they work on the campaigns which are fulfilling the needs of the poor in clothing or medicine, providing the food , housing , school, etc. These NGOs also take an active role in case of natural disaster to support people's lives. E.g - Goonj, CRY

  • Development NGOs

Development NGOs work towards social empowerment and help in the improvement of the communities. These NGOs are known for improving the quality of life, encourage people to take part in activities. Development NGOs improve knowledge and skills. E.g.- Pratham, SEWA.

  • Human Rights NGOs

Human rights NGOs basically work to stop human rights abuse.They promote legal rights like- freedom of speech, religion,Constitutional rights,Civil liberties, and also protect from slavery and torture and to be treated with respect. E.g.- Amnesty International India, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights.

  • Health NGOs

In India, Health NGOs focus on health awareness. They influence healthcare policies, maternity and child health, preventing diseases. These NGOs provide medical services for the poor and people in need. They also help to improve the infrastructure of medical services. E.g. Public Health Foundation of India, Smile Foundation.

  • Environmental NGOs

Environmental NGOs play an important role by addressing environmental issues.They resolve environmental challenges including climate change, energy, waste management, pollution, biodiversity, and land use. In India environmental NGOs are - Greenpeace India, Awaaz Foundation.

  • Women Empowerment NGOs

Women empowerment NGOs working together with women to educate them about their legal rights. They work to raise the standard of women by giving them education. Give the better lives of the poor women and grow their social and economic stand in society. 

NGOs Level of Operation

NGOs can be categorized according to their level of operation in the following ways:

  • Community-based organisations (CBOs)

Community based organizations are the basic or fundamental level of ngo. These NGOs work on the local issues of any society or community level. They improve the living of its residents. These NGOs are run by local individuals or members of the community. Community-based organisations (CBOs) focus on local people’s specific needs and their concern on local issues.

Gram Vikas comes under the community based organization where they promote the development of rural communities. As well as Mahila Abhivruddhi Society, works for women empowerment and gender equality.

  • Citywide Organisations

Citywide Organisations address the city or urban level issues. With the help of the government agencies they work on such issues like - poverty, education and they also keep places free from dirt, infection, disease, by removing waste, trash and garbage, by cleaning streets, etc. 

Example of citywide organization is Delhi Greens, they work and promote environmental issues. Bangalore Cares is a Citywide NGO that works to make life better for Bangalore residents.

  • National NGOs

NGOs that have a national presence and operate their services throughout the nation are known as National NGOs. These NGOs have large staff as well as large budgets to maintain their services or work. To develop the policies on the national level issues these NGOs work with government authorities. National NGOs known as - Red Cross, professional organizations, YMCAs/YWCAs etc.

  • International NGOs

International NGOs work globally and they also have a presence in India. These NGOs provide various types of help and service in low and lower middle income countries. They work in many sectors like - human rights, economic development, environmental issues and many more. These NGOs raise their funds in developed countries and use their funds in other countries. UNICEF is one example of an international NGOs in India that aims to work for rights and welfare of children. World Vision India is another NGO, which is also working for needy families and children.


So, in conclusion we get the knowledge about different types of NGOs which exist in our country. Non-governmental organizations play a very important role in our society, which improves our daily living. NGOs address the major issues like education, women empowerment, poverty. NGOs are to address social and political issues on a local, national, or worldwide level. They usually work not-for-profit, and can obtain tax-exempt status if they meet certain criteria.

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Name: Admin
Qualification: MCA
Company: Law Chatter
Location: Noida
Member Since: 09-08-2022
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